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Sunday, May 8, 2016

Kunci Jawaban Latihan Soal UN Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Tahap 2



1. D Kalimat “...the student board will hold some interesting programs. They are the
storytelling, speech and singing contests.” menjelaskan bahwa teks itu berupa
pengumuman yang bertujuan memberi informasi pembaca tentang lomba2
(contests)untuk anak.
2. D Cukup jelas bahwa lomba (contests) yang akan diadakan oleh the student board
adalah They are the storytellingspeech and singing contests.
3. C Dari kalimat “Each class is required to send one female and one male as the
representative to join each contest.”kita dan tahu bahwa setiap kelas hanya
mengirimkan beberapa anak saja. Untuk masing-masing lomba, tiap kelas hanya
mengirimkan satu putra dan satu putri, atau several students for each class.
4. D Cukup jelas, teks undangan ini tujuannya adalah mengundang agar sekolah
mengirimkan siswa untuk mengikuti seminar. Kalimat kunci “... would like to invite
your school students to our national seminar ....”.
5. B Cukup jelas, benefit bagi siswa yang presentasi adalah “This will increase their
experience to speak in front of people.”.
6. D Kata encourage sama dengan motivate, harapannya di masa depan anak akan
berhasil. Clue: “And we hope they will gest success in the future
7. C Cukup jelas, teks ini mengiklankan tentang HATAM RESTAURANT.
8. C Jenis cuisine utama yang diiklankan adalah fine Persian cuisine, bisa dilihat di
bawah nama restoran “Fine Persian Cuisine.”
9. A Disebutkan dalam teks “Open 7 days 11.30 .... 9.30 daily.
10. D Jelas diuraikan pada paragraf 2. Kalimat kunci “That’s why; I really thank you very
much for these.” Jadi tujuan ditulisnya teks ini adalah untuk mengucapkan terima
kasih (gratitude).
11. B Yang dilakukan Hendra ketika Santi ketinggalan ID-cardnya, Hendra
meminjamkan ID-card miliknya ke Santi. Kalimat kunci “my library ID-card was
left; you lent me your ID-card even though you needed it to borrow some books for
your own project.”
12. D Cukup jelas, diuraikan pada paragraf 2. Kalimat kunci “you lent me your ID-card
even though you needed it to borrow some books for your own project. It was
really touching.
13. A Kadang-kadang Santi tidak bisa mengungkapkan perasaannya dengan mudah.
Kalimat kunci Finally I want to say that I really want to express this feeling for a
long time but I can’t.”
14. B Tujuan teks ini adalah bahwa Hendra menulis pesan ini utk memberitahu apa
yang harus dilakukan hari itu, yakni membahas materi Bab IV sebagai pengganti
materi experiment. Kalimat kunci “So, for your today’s learning activity, please
make groups of four and discuss the material on Chapter IV instead.”
15. D Cukup jelas. Kalimat kunci “We will do the experiment next week.”
16. D Hendra mengganti aktivitas di kelasnya karena dia sedang berada di Surabaya.
Kalimat kunci “However, I’m in the middle of teachers meeting in Surabaya now.
I’m going back to Bandung tomorrow. So, ....”
17. B Isi teks secara keseluruhan adalah mendeskripsikan the writer’s Daddy.
18. C Pikiran utama paragraph dua adalah Mr. Maman Perwira has some talents.
Kalimat ini dijelaskan/diuraikan pada kalimat-kalimta berikutnya.
19. D Kalimat “He takes care of his family well” menunjukkan bahwa Daddy is a good
figure in my family.
20. D Jawaban ditemukan pada kalimat He was jealous with his friend, Mr. Green Bird.
"I want to have beautiful feathers like Mr. Green Bird. His feathers are not brown
like mine.
21. A Jawaban ditemukan pada kalimat: When he went home, his wife did not recognize
him. "Honey, it's me. I'm your husband." "No, my husband is not like you! His
feathers are brown!" said Mrs. brown Bird.
22. C Paragraf terakhir menjelaskan akibat buruk dari perbuatan Mr Brown Bird dengan
ingin menjadi seperti Mr Green Bird. Dari paragraf ini bisa dipetik pelajaran.
23. C To board = Get on
24. C Jawaban ditemukan pada kalimat: I stood at the front end of the ferry and
watched the water whirl and twirl as the ferry cut through it.
25. A Jawaban ditemukan pada kalimat: My sister and I climbed up the stairs to the
upper deck. It was filled with passengers who either sat on the seats there or
loitered around the area.
26. C Jawaban diperoleh dengan menyimpulkan ungkapan penulis dari kalimat awal
hingga akhir,
27. A Appearance = look
28. C Jawaban ditemukan pada rangkaian kalimat tersebut: Make eye contact with your
audience. This helps to build trust and a relationship between the speaker and the
29. C Isi teks secara keseluruhan adalah tips untuk speech delivery dan disebutkan
dengan jelas pada judul teks.
30. B Pikiran utama paragraf 2 disebutkan dalam kalimat topik (kalimat pertama) dan
kalimat-kalimat berikutnya berfungfi menjelaskan kalimat tersebut.
31. C Jawaban ditemukan pada paragraf kedua.
32. C twisting and turning in mid-air = aerobatic
33. A Isi teks secara keseluruhan adalah mendeskripsikan tentang Bats.
34. D Diuraikan dengan panjang lebar di paragraf 2.
35. C Dinyatakan dengan jelas pada kalimat kedua paragraf 4.
36. D Pilihan jawaban A,B, dan C tidak sesuai dengan isi bacaan.
37. D Diuraikan dengan jelas dalam paragraf 3.
38. D Dinyatakan dalam kalimat Chi Ming was poor and worked hard every day to
collect firewood to make a living sehingga kata him merujuk pada Chi Ming.
39. A Tersirat dalam kalimat Chi Hua was so greedy that he did not want to tell the
grindstone to stop. Finally, the boat sank under the weight of the salt and Chi Hua
was drowned.
40. C Disebutkan dalam kalimat I was surprised to find out that it was not Hadi but he
was someone else wearing similar clothes.
41. A Dari kalimat I was surprised to find out that it was not Hadi but he was someone
else wearing similar clothes dan Since then my friends called me Mr. Clumsy
dapat disimpulkan bahwa penulis adalah a careless person.
42. A Pilihan B memiliki makna yang sebaliknya,sedangkan pilihan C dan D tidak
berkaitan dengan konteks bacaan.
43. B Kata depan about paling tepat menyatakan perkiraan atau sesuatu yang tidak
44. C Kata yellow dan white menunjukkan bahwa kata yang sesuai adalah kata colour.
45. D Pilihan jawaban
46. B Kata yang menunjukkan penanda urutan yang paling tepat adalah then.
47. A Alat yang paling tepat digunakan untuk mengaduk adalah spoon.
48. D Pilhan A, B, dan C tidak logis untuk menunjukkan fungsi irisan apel.
49. B Pilihan A, B, dan C tidak menunjukkan urutan kata yang gramatikal.
50. A Pilihan B, C, dan D tidak diurutkan secara logis dan benar secara gramatikal.

Kunci Jawaban Soal UN Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Tahap 3

1 D Cukup jelas. Kalimat kunci To celebrate the National Education Day, the Student
Organization will conduct two interesting programs.”
2 D Cukup jelas diuraikan di paragraf 2. Kalimat kunci “All students are expected to
attend and enjoy the show.”
3 A Siswa yang maju ke panggung bisa tampil untuk menyanyi, melawak, atau main
sulap. Kalimat kunci “They can be singers, magician, or comedians on the stage”.
4 D Tujuan teks ini adalah mengundang orang tua siswa untuk mengunjungi pameran
sekolah. Kalimat kunci SMP Rimba Jaya will have a school exhibition. .... In
relation to this, we would like to invite you to visit and see the students
5 A Cukup jelas. Kalimat kunci Something special you will get from visiting the
exhibition is the explanation of the students bout the products.”
6 B Cuisines berarti jenis masakan (style of cooking).
7 A Cukup jelas, benda yang diiklankan adalah laptop. Laptop termasuk portable
computer (komputer yang mudah dibawa).
8 B Cukup jelas, kata kunci “2 GB main memory”.
9 D Pengguna produk ini akan bisa mengetik dengan MS word atau Exeell karena di
dalam spesifikasinya tercantum Windows 8.1 with Office.
10 C Sangat jelas diuraikan pada paragraf 1. Kalimat kunci “I am ever so excited, but
so sad to be leaving you. This is actually what I’ll tell you, my best friend.” Jadi
tujuan ditulisnya teks ini adalah untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal.
11 B Cukup jelas diuraikan di paragraf 3. Kalimat kunci “The kindness of your parents
makes me feel as if I were part of your family.”
12 D Cukup jelas diuraikan di paragraf 2. Kalimat kunci “As you always came to solve
my problems whenever I needed, I then feel so close to you.”
13 A Bisa disimpulkan bahwa Indra masih berada di Jakarta ketika mengirim pesan
tersebut. Bukti kalimat And now I have to leave you and our country for the sake
of my future.”
14 B Tujuan Wisnu mengirim pesan ini adalah untuk memberitahu Wakhid agar dia,
dan anggota groupnya menyiapkan tugas bahasa Inggris.
15 D Cukup jelas. Agenda pertemuan adalah menentukan jenis makanan yang akan
ditulis. Kalimat kunci “We have to decide what kind of food we will write.”
16 D Secara tersirat, untuk meningkatkan mutu penampilan demonstrasi tersebut
adalah menggunakan realia. “We should also prepare the equipment needed”.
17 D Isi teks secara keseluruhan adalah deskripsi tentang The writer’s loveable
18 C Pikiran utama terletak pada kalimat pertama di mana kalimat-kalimat setelahnya
berfungsi menjelaskan atau menguraikan kalimat pertama tersebut.
19 A Jawaban dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat-kalimat:
I admire him for some reasons. Pada paragraf berikutnya: First, …. dan
20 D Jawaban ditemukan pada kalimat: But long time ago, deer did not have any horns.
Instead, dogs had horns.
21 A Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat-kalimat berikut ini :
The male deer ran as fast as he could. He ran very fast and did not stop. He was
trying to steal the dog’s horns.
22 B Salah satu pesan moral dari cerita tsb adalah: Percaya begitu saja pada orang
lain dapat berakibat tidak baik.
23 A damaged = broken
24 C Jawaban ditemukan dalam kalimat:
I found the door was damaged due to the carelessness of the young female
driver. I wanted to call the police but she forbade me.
25 A Jawaban diperoleh dengan mengidentifikasi beberapa kalimat berikut:
A few minutes later he came to the location of the accident. My father talked to
her. Finally the problem settled.
26 C Jawaban diperoleh dengan mengambil kesimpulan dari rangkaian peristiwa dari
awal hingga akhir cerita.
27 C images = pictures
28 C Jawaban dapt ditemukan pada kalimat pertanyaan itu sendiri:
Start with the wide end on your right.
Extend it about 12" below the narrow end of your necktie
29 C Cukup jelas dinyatakan dalam kalimat pertama.
30 A Topik teks dinyatakan di awal teks, yaitu di paragraf 1.
31 C Pikiran utama paragraf dua dinyatakan dengan jelas pada kalimat topik, yaitu
kalimat pertama.
32 C Jawaban ditemukan pada kalimat: Many kinds of geckos can walk on
walls, windows and ceilings. They can do this because they have special toe
33 D Jawaban ditemukan pada paragraf 1 pada kalimat: People are often happy to
have them, because geckos eat many insects.
34 A Disebutkan dengan jelas dalam dua kalimat terakhir paragraf 2.
35 A Dinyatakan dengan jelas dalam kalimat topik My school also has a large canteen.
36 A Pilihan jawaban B, C, dan D tidak sesuai dengan isi bacaan.
37 B Pilihan A, C, dan D tidak sesuai dengan informasi yang disajikan dalam bacaan.
38 A Dinyatakan dengan jelas dalam kalimat "You'll have to kill me first," said the turtle.
39 D Pilihan A, B, dan C tidak sesuai dengan alur cerita.
40 A Dinyatakan dengan jelas dalam kalimat I didn’t know anyone of them. (Paragraf 2)
41 A Pilihan B, C, dan D merupakan gambaran yang salah tentang Putri sesuai dengan
isi bacaan.
42 A Pilihan jawaban lain berlawanan dengan kalimat I was still there and ....
43 A Pilihan jawaban lain berlawanan dengan pernyataan sebelumnya it can grow
naturally ...
44 C Hanya bunga yang memiliki bagian-bagian sepals, many petals, dan stamens.
45 B Hanya kata float yang memiliki makna yang berlawanan dengan kata submerge.
46 A Penanda yang paling tepat untuk menunjukkan urutan kejadian. Dua penanda
lainnya firstly dan finally tidak tepat karena kejadian bukan merupakan kejadian
pada urutan kedua dan terakhir. After tidak tepat karena kalimatnya berbentuk
kalimat tunggal.
47 B Kata darker yang secara kontekstual tepat untuk dibuatnya api unggun.
48 A Pilihan kata yang lain tidak dapat berdampingan secara makna dan konteks
dengan a standing comedy.
49 D Urutan kata pada pilihan jawaban A, B, dan C tidak benar secara gramatika.
50 A Urutan kata pada pilihan jawaban A, B, dan C tidak benar secara gramatika dan


Kunci Jawaban Soal UN Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Tahap 1

1 C Kalimat “Attention! .... The story telling competition will be held as usual.”
menjelaskan bahwa teks itu berupa pengumuman yang bertujuan memberi
informasi pembaca tentang lomba “story telling”.
2 D Cukup jelas bahwa pertama kali yang harus dilakukan untuk ikut lomba adalah
enroll for the competition soon” (mendaftar lomba).
3 B Dari kalimat “December has come! It is a special month. The story telling
competition will be held as usual.” Menunjukkan bahwa lomba ini diadakan
setahun sekali atau annually.
4 B Cukup jelas, teks undangan yang tujuannya adalah mengundang untuk hadir di
5 C Cukup jelas, hal yang dibahas terdapat pada kalimat “We have some crucial items
to discuss: deciding the date and the place of the celebration, the prizes we will
give the winners, etc.”
6 D Kalimat “If the meeting fails to make the decision, the celebration will be
cancelled.” Menjadi kata kunci yang menunjukkan bahwa crucial berarti sangat
penting, sampai-sampai jika pertemuan gagal, program mungkin akan dibatalkan.
7 B Cukup jelas, benda yang diiklankan adalah handphone atau mobile phones
(telepon yang mudah dibawa).
8 B Cukup jelas, ada pada feature “slot microSD up to 16 GB.”
9 D Iklan ini hanya berlaku untuk HP Samsung bermerek GT-3322, yang artinya iklan
itu hanya berlaku untuk HP merek tertentu / a certain model of handphones.
10 D Sangat jelas diuraikan pada paragraf 2. Kalimat kunci “It’s time for us to be apart.”
(ini saatnya kita untuk berpisah). Jadi tujuan ditulisnya teks ini adalah untuk
mengucapkan selamat tinggal.
11 B Hal yang tak terlupakan oleh penulis adalah ketika Tantri memberikan tempat
duduk di hari pertama masuk sekolah. Kalimat kunci “I still remember the first day
of school when we were young, you called me and gave me a seat.
12 D Veny mengucapkan terima kasih lewat surat karena teman baiknya (Tantri) sudah
tidak tinggal di dekatnya lagi. Kalimat kunci “Now, you’re not here anymore. I
would like to thank you .....”
13 A Dari teks bisa disimpulkan bahwa Tantri sudah pindah ke Surabaya. Kalimat kunci
sama dengan pembahasan no 12.
14 A Tujuan teks ini adalah bahwa Mr Rendy memberi perintah kepada para pembina
pramuka untuk mendampingi siswa melakukan diskusi persiapan camping.
Kalimat kunci “I want all scout coaches to lead the dicussion with all the scouts
related to a preparation for the next camping activity.
15 D Cukup jelas di paragraf 2 “ ... bring everything they need like clothes, cooking
utensils and food stuff.
16 C Cara memastikan agar diskusi berjalan lancar adalah dengan membagi tanggung
jawab pendamping (responsible for ). Ada yang bertanggung jawab mendampingi
male scouts, ada yang girl scouts.
17 D Teks secara keseluruhan memaparkan seseorang yang dikagumi, diidolakan oleh
18 B Pikiran utama paragraf dua adalah The writer’s mother is very attractive.
Disebutkan dengan jelas pada kalimat pertama paragraf 2. Kalimat-kalimat
lainnya merupakan penjelas bagi kalimat tersebut. Juga kalimat pertama paragraf
3 menunjukkan bahwa the writer’s mother is attractive, yaitu Besides her attractive
appearance, ....
19 B Disebutkan dengan jelas pada kalimat kedua paragraf terakhir.
20 A Jawaban ditemukan pada kalimat: He intended to bring the hen home and
cooked it for dinner.
21 C Jawaban ditemukan pada kalimat: He wanted to help the red feather by
pretending to have a broken wing and lying on the ground for the fox to catch.
22 B Inti dari cerita tersebut adalah tentang persahabatan sejati bahwa sahabat selalu
saling membantu, senantiasa ada disaat dibutuhkan.
23 D precious = valuable (berharga)
expensive (mahal); luxurious (mewah); unique (unik/langka)
24 D Jawaban dapat ditemukan dengan membaca kalimat-kalimat sebelumnya.
I kept thinking about how I lost my wallet and what my parents would react
Pada kalimat inilah jawaban ditemukan.
25 A Jawaban A: He kept thinking about how his parents would react.
Jawaban ditemukan pada kalimat: At class I could not concentrate well to study at
all. I kept thinking about how I lost my wallet and what my parents would react.
Pada kalimat tersebut dapat ditengarai bahwa kalimat kedua berfungsi
menjelaskan alasan mengapa penulis tidak dapat konsentrasi belajar.
26 C Dinyatakan di paragraf terakhir dalam kalimat “I had learned to be more careful.”
27 A reputable = respectable (termashur, ternama)
Cukup jelas.
readable = dapat dibaca
adaptable = dapat diadaptasi
capable = mampau/dapat
28 D Jawaban ditemukan pada kalimat:
When done with the front page, turn to the next page and see if any article
there interest you.
29 B Apabila dicermati, maka dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa teks tesebut ditujukan
untuk memberikan tips tentang bagaimana cara membaca koran yang baik dan
30 B Secara umum teks membahas tentang Dragonflies and Damselflies yang
disebutkan pada awal paragraf 1.
31 C Cukup jelas disebutkan pada kalimat topik ”Dragonflies and damselflies live near
32 A Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada kalimat sebelumnya: They lay their eggs on
plants. Sesuai arti kata hatch (menetas), maka they merujuk ke eggs.
33 A Jawaban ditemukan pada kalimat:
They shimmer as the damselfly searches for small insects to eat.
34 C Dinyatakan dengan jelas pada baris 4 paragraf 1. Bunaken Island, where once I
spent my holiday, is the most popular.
35 A Disebutkan dengan jelas pada kalimat topik paragraf 3. Besides the charming
submarine park, the islands in this area present the natural atmosphere.
36 C Jawaban A, B, dan D tidak sesuai dengan isi bacaan.
37 B Dari kalimat Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, ... diketahui
bahwa kalimat-kalimat sebelumnya adalah apa yang dia sesali telah lakukan,
yaituThe greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there
were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach. He found nothing!
38 B Dari kalimat A few days later, an old man with a long grey beard, passing by his
house, took a pity on the farmer. He gave him a goose and said dapat diketahui
bahwa kata you merujuk pada the farmer.
39 B Dari kalimat The greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking
there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach. He found nothing! Dapat
disimpulkan bahwa pesan moral adalah tentang keserakahan.
40 D Dinyatakan dengan jelas pada kalimat . I was a quiet and shy person, so I never
hung out with the other neighborhood kids.
41 A Pilihan jawaban B, C, D tidak sesuai dengan isi bacaan.
42 B Kalimat Before school had started, I had met a few people who were in the same
grade as me.menunjukkan bahwa ini adalah pertemuan yang pertama.
43 A Pernyataan ...which are grown for their flowers in the garden memberikan
44 B ... whites through yellows and reds menunjukkan warna
45 A Kata kerja yang paling sesuai diikuti kata depan in adalah range
46 A Ungkapan penanda urutan kedua yang paling tepat adalah secondly.
47 A Alat yang paling tepat digunakan untuk mengocok telur adalah fork.
48 D Kata kerja yang paling berkaitan dengan oven adalah bake.
49 D Sususnan kata yang paling tepat secara gramatika adalah We have set a
campfire nearthe river.

50 B Pilihan jawaban A, C, dan D tidak tersusun secara logis dan gramatika.

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Tahap 3

The following text is for questions number 1 to 3.
To: All students
To celebrate National Education Day, the Student Organization will conduct two
interesting programs, namely a school fair and a school show. The school fair will
start in the morning, around 08.00. Meanwhile, the school show will be conducted
around 7 p.m. on the same day.
Each class should send 7 representatives. Five of them will be in charge of the class
product exhibition in the school fair. The others should perform in the school show.
They can be singers, magician, or comedians on the stage. All students are expected
to attend and enjoy the show. A large space is available for hundreds of audience
around the stage. To attract the audience, the committee will invite a guest star,
Agnes Monica. For more detailed information, contact Ridwan (coordinator) at

1. The text is written to....
A. ask the students sing a song in the school show
B. inform the students about how to perform in the school show
C. invite the students to join the ceremony of the National Education Day
D. tell the students about the programs in celebrating the National Education Day.
2. Who are expected to attend and enjoy the school show?
A. The committee of the program.
B. Seven students of each class.
C. Agnes Monica.
D. All students.
3. What can the students do in their performance on the stage?
A. Sing a song.
B. Watch a comedy.
C. See a magic show.
D. Enjoy the exhibition.

The following text is for questions 4 to 6.
Dear the parents,
SMP Rimba Jaya will have a school exhibition. All the students’ handycrafts will be
displayed in the exhibition.
In relation to this, we would like to invite you to visit and see their handicrafts. Kinds
of cuisines produced by students are also available there. You can enjoy them with
your sons and daughters. Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese, and Indian cuisines are
available there. You can enjoy them in a mini restaurant there.
In addition, you can also purchase some handycrafts which you may find interesting.
This exhibition will take place in the school yard on 15 16 October 2015, at 8
am to 5 pm.
Please come and visit the exhibition and you will get detailed explanation from the
students, who produce the crafts or cuisines. Something special you will get from
visiting the exhibition is the explanation of the students about the products. They will
explain to you the materials needed and also the steps of making the handicrafts as
well as the cuisines.
See you in the exhibition. We are looking forward to seing you in the exhibition.
Hendro Sasongko

4. What is the writer’s purpose of the text?
A. To attract parents to enjoy cuisines.
B. To persuade parents to buy handicrafts.
C. To give information about the exhibition.
D. To invite parents to visit the school exhibition.
5. What special thing will the parents get by visiting the exhibition?
A. Explanation about the materials and steps of making the products.
B. Pride of seing the students’ products displayed in the exhibition
C. Satisfaction of enjoying the quisines produced by the students.
D. Cheap prices of the handicrafts or the cuisines to purchase.
6. “Kinds of cuisines produced by students are also available there.”
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Materials for cooking.
B. Styles of cooking.
C. Steps of cooking.
D. Kinds of recipes.

The following text is for questions 7 to 9.

7. What is mainly advertised in the text?
A. Portable computer.
B. Deskstop computer.
C. 1.2 MP Web camera.
D. USB 3.0 SuperSpeed Port.
8. What is the size of the memory offered for the product?
A. 1.2 GB.
B. 2 GB.
C. 11 GB.
D. 32 GB.
9. From the text we can conclude that by using the product, people can probably....
A. listen to a song
B. play an on line game
C. save their data up to 600 GB
D. write using MS word or Excell program

The following text is for questions 10 to 13.
Sudirman Street 205 Jakarta 23rd August, 2015
Dear Dony,
As you know I have been applying for various universities in USA. And after two
years, I have finally been accepted and have received my admissions letter as well
as my visa. I am scheduled to leave in just three days. I am ever so excited, but so
sad to be leaving you. This is actually what I’ll tell you, my best friend.
We have been best friends for twenty years and have understood each other. We
usually played badminton or climbed a mountain together, etc. One thing which is
very important in my life is that you always helped solve my problems. As you
always came to solve my problems whenever I needed, I then feel so close to you.
I realized you were very kind when you were always on my side and patiently
helped take care of my father two days before he passed away. You stayed in the
hospital outside the ICCU room in which my father should have a specific
treatment. You brought food and drink, too. And this makes me feel that you are
really my best friend. The friendliness of your sister, Tanti, and your little brother,
Fajar, always makes me remember you and your family. The kindness of your
parents makes me feel as if I were part of your family. And now I have to leave you
and our country for the sake of my future.
I wish you all the best for the future. You already have my email address, and I will
send you my new address and new cell phone number as soon as I have them.
Please promise to always keep in touch. Please share what you have in mind, and
make me feel that distance will not separate us. Again, please always keep in touch
with me.
I am leaving. C.U.

10. What is the writer’s intention to write the letter?
A. To give information about his university.
B. To tell his friend his past experience.
C. To say goodbye to his old friend.
D. To remind his friend to study.

The following text is for questions number 1 to 3.
To: All students
To celebrate National Education Day, the Student Organization will conduct two
interesting programs, namely a school fair and a school show. The school fair will
start in the morning, around 08.00. Meanwhile, the school show will be conducted
around 7 p.m. on the same day.
Each class should send 7 representatives. Five of them will be in charge of the class
product exhibition in the school fair. The others should perform in the school show.
They can be singers, magician, or comedians on the stage. All students are expected
to attend and enjoy the show. A large space is available for hundreds of audience
around the stage. To attract the audience, the committee will invite a guest star,
Agnes Monica. For more detailed information, contact Ridwan (coordinator) at

1. The text is written to....
A. ask the students sing a song in the school show
B. inform the students about how to perform in the school show
C. invite the students to join the ceremony of the National Education Day
D. tell the students about the programs in celebrating the National Education Day.
2. Who are expected to attend and enjoy the school show?
A. The committee of the program.
B. Seven students of each class.
C. Agnes Monica.
D. All students.
3. What can the students do in their performance on the stage?
A. Sing a song.
B. Watch a comedy.
C. See a magic show.
D. Enjoy the exhibition.

The following text is for questions 4 to 6.
Dear the parents,
SMP Rimba Jaya will have a school exhibition. All the students’ handycrafts will be
displayed in the exhibition.
In relation to this, we would like to invite you to visit and see their handicrafts. Kinds
of cuisines produced by students are also available there. You can enjoy them with
your sons and daughters. Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese, and Indian cuisines are
available there. You can enjoy them in a mini restaurant there.
In addition, you can also purchase some handycrafts which you may find interesting.
This exhibition will take place in the school yard on 15 16 October 2015, at 8
am to 5 pm.
Please come and visit the exhibition and you will get detailed explanation from the
students, who produce the crafts or cuisines. Something special you will get from
visiting the exhibition is the explanation of the students about the products. They will
explain to you the materials needed and also the steps of making the handicrafts as
well as the cuisines.
See you in the exhibition. We are looking forward to seing you in the exhibition.
Hendro Sasongko

4. What is the writer’s purpose of the text?
A. To attract parents to enjoy cuisines.
B. To persuade parents to buy handicrafts.
C. To give information about the exhibition.
D. To invite parents to visit the school exhibition.
5. What special thing will the parents get by visiting the exhibition?
A. Explanation about the materials and steps of making the products.
B. Pride of seing the students’ products displayed in the exhibition
C. Satisfaction of enjoying the quisines produced by the students.
D. Cheap prices of the handicrafts or the cuisines to purchase.
6. “Kinds of cuisines produced by students are also available there.”
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Materials for cooking.
B. Styles of cooking.
C. Steps of cooking.
D. Kinds of recipes.

The following text is for questions 7 to 9.

7. What is mainly advertised in the text?
A. Portable computer.
B. Deskstop computer.
C. 1.2 MP Web camera.
D. USB 3.0 SuperSpeed Port.
8. What is the size of the memory offered for the product?
A. 1.2 GB.
B. 2 GB.
C. 11 GB.
D. 32 GB.
9. From the text we can conclude that by using the product, people can probably....
A. listen to a song
B. play an on line game
C. save their data up to 600 GB
D. write using MS word or Excell program

The following text is for questions 10 to 13.
Sudirman Street 205 Jakarta 23rd August, 2015
Dear Dony,
As you know I have been applying for various universities in USA. And after two
years, I have finally been accepted and have received my admissions letter as well
as my visa. I am scheduled to leave in just three days. I am ever so excited, but so
sad to be leaving you. This is actually what I’ll tell you, my best friend.
We have been best friends for twenty years and have understood each other. We
usually played badminton or climbed a mountain together, etc. One thing which is
very important in my life is that you always helped solve my problems. As you
always came to solve my problems whenever I needed, I then feel so close to you.
I realized you were very kind when you were always on my side and patiently
helped take care of my father two days before he passed away. You stayed in the
hospital outside the ICCU room in which my father should have a specific
treatment. You brought food and drink, too. And this makes me feel that you are
really my best friend. The friendliness of your sister, Tanti, and your little brother,
Fajar, always makes me remember you and your family. The kindness of your
parents makes me feel as if I were part of your family. And now I have to leave you
and our country for the sake of my future.
I wish you all the best for the future. You already have my email address, and I will
send you my new address and new cell phone number as soon as I have them.
Please promise to always keep in touch. Please share what you have in mind, and
make me feel that distance will not separate us. Again, please always keep in touch
with me.
I am leaving. C.U.

10. What is the writer’s intention to write the letter?
A. To give information about his university.
B. To tell his friend his past experience.
C. To say goodbye to his old friend.
D. To remind his friend to study.

11. What makes the writer feel as if he were part of Doni’s family?
A. Friendliness of Dony’s sister.
B. Kindness of Dony’s parents.
C. His patience to help take care of Indra’s father.
D. His generosity to provide food and drink in the hospital.

12. Why does Indra feel so close to Dony?
A. He likes to play badminton with him.
B. He and Indra have been friends for twenty years.
C. He stayed in the hospital when his father was sick.
D. He always helped Indra solve his problems when needed.
13. From the text we know that Indra ....
A. is still in Jakarta
B. has arrived in USA
C. has a sister named Tanti
D. is looking for a new university

The following text is for questions 14 to 16.
To : Wakhid
Hi...boy! How have you been keeping so far? Concerning our English task, I have
the information that our group was just asked to demonstrate the procedure of
making certain food. Then we should perform in class next week. Real things and
equipment are needed to support our performance.
Let’s meet at my house at 4 pm tomorrow. Please tell Dian and Yusuf to be on time.
We have to decide what kind of food we will make. We should also prepare the
equipment needed.


14. Wisnu writes the text in order to ....
A. inform Wakhid what they should do and prepare with the English task.
B. tell Wakhid about the members of the group in doing the English task.
C. ask Wakhid to demonstrate how to make certain food in the class.
D. remind Wakhid about the deadline of submitting the English task.
15. What will the group mainly discuss in the meeting?
A. The date of performing the task.
B. The way they perform in the class.
C. The deadline of preparing the task.
D. The kind of food they want to choose.
16. What should they do to support their performance?.
A. Choose the kind of food.
B. Come on time to the meeting.
C. Have a meeting to discuss the task.
D. Bring real things and equipment needed.

The following text is for questions 17 to 19.
Someone that I admire a lot is my grandfather. His name is Dwija Nugraha. He
is my mother's father. He is about 55 years old now and still working as an an
Elementary School teacher. He loves me very much and gives special attention to
me. I admire him for some reasons.
First, my grandfather is a hard worker. He loves his job very much. He is a very
dedicated person. For example, he never comes late for his class. He teaches his
students seriously and builds a good relationship with them. Consequently, his
students love him and often come to his house to study.
Second, my grandfather is a very loveable person. He is a caring person. He
gives much attention to me. For example, he teaches me how to make handicrafts. He
gives me some books to read. Even, he shares his experiences and gives me some
advises how to get along with friends.
In general, my grandfather is a kind man. I love him very much. In addition, he
is a good figure for me.

17. What does the text tell us about?
A. An old grandfather.
B. A very good teacher.
C. An Elementary School teacher.
D. The writer’s loveable grandfather.
18. What is the main idea of paragraph two?
A. Mr. Dwija Nugraha loves his job very much.
B. The students love the writer’s grandfather.
C. The writer’s grandfather is a hard worker.
D. Mr. Nugraha is always on time.
19. The writer admires his grandfather because ....
A. he is a hard worker and a very loveable person.
B. he builds a good relationship with his students.
C. he gives the writer some books.
D. he loves the writer very much.

The following text is for questions 20 to 22.
Deer have horns, right? But long time ago, deer did not have any horns.
Instead, dogs had horns. How did the deer get the horns? Here is the story.
husband and wife. After arriving in the lake, they immediately drank some water.
Suddenly, the wife saw an animal coming. “My husband, who is he? Wow! He
is very handsome with his horns,” said the female deer. “Oh, that’s my friend. He is a
dog. By the way, did you say he is more handsome than me?” asked the male deer.
He was jealous. “Of course not, you are still more handsome than he is. But I have to
admit that his horns are beautiful. If you have those horns, I think you will look very
attractive.” “Ok, then, I have an idea how to take the horns from the dog. Just wait
Hi, how are you?” asked the male deer to the dog. “I’m just fine,” answered
the dog. “How about you?” “Not really good. You see my wife over there? She
thinks that I cannot run fast like other male deer. Do you mind if we have a running
race? I really want to practice,” said the male deer. “Don’t worry, my friend. Let’s
have the running race now.”
After that, the running match began. The male deer won. Then, he tried to cheer
the dog up. “Well, don’t be sad. You cannot run fast because you have your horns on
your head. What if you let me wear the horns,” asked the male deer. “OK, but please
wear the horns carefully. I don’t want them to be broken.” “Don’t worry. I will be
very careful,” replied the male deer. And then he immediately put the horns on his
head. “Wow? My wife is right. I really look great with these horns,” said the male
deer to himself. Then, they started the running race again. The male deer ran as fast
as he could. He ran very fast and did not stop. He was trying to steal the dog’s
horns.“Hey come back! Bring back my horns!” the dog was very angry.
Up to now, dogs always try to catch deer. The dogs want to get their horns

20. Who had horns firstly?
A. The male and female deer.
B. The female deer.
C. The male deer.
D. The dog.
21. How did the male deer cheat the dog to get his horns?
A. By running fast in the race.
B. By chatting with the dog.
C. By borrowing the horns.
D. By cheering the dog up.
22. From the story we can learn that ….
A. cheating others to get something is allowed
B. trusting others is not always good
C. making someone happy is good
D. helping each other is good
The following text is for questions 23 to 26.
A few years ago after getting my driving license, I borrowed my father’s car. I
drove it long the way to the park. I was driving slowly when suddenly I heard a
bang on the back of the car. I felt my body shaking. Soon I realized that I had
been hit by another car.
I was so afraid that something terrible happened to my father’s car. I stopped
the car, got out and checked the left side of the car. I found the door damaged due
to the carelessness of the young female driver. I wanted to call the police but she
forbade me. She told me that she would pay all the damage of the car by using her
insurance company. I was unsure so that I called my father. A few minutes later
he came to the location of the accident. My father talked to her. Finally the
problem settled. After taking the car to the mechanic, I went home with my
father’s car. I was so relieved that my father was not angry with me.

23. “I found the door damaged due to the carelessness of the young female driver” (second
The underlined word is closest to meaning to ….
A. broken
B. blended
C. repaired
D. flattened
24. “I wanted to call the police but she forbade me” (paragraph 2).
The underlined word refers to ….
A. the writer
B. the police
C. the young female driver
D. the insurance company clerk
25. How did the problem settle?
A. After the writer’s father talked to the woman.
B. After the writer sent complain to the police.
C. After the car was taken to the mechanic.
D. When the writer called his father.
26. From the text above we know that ….
A. The young female driver drove carefully
B. The writer’s father did nothing in the case
C. The writer had no experience of driving car
D. The police came to the location of the accident

The following text is for questions 27 to 29.
Let's start with easy instructions on how to tie a tie with the four-in-hand knot as an
example. Follow the images as if you were looking into a mirror at your reflection.

1. Start with the wide end on your right. Extend it about 12" below the narrow end of
your necktie.
2. Cross the wide end over the narrow, and back underneath.
3. Bring the wide end around passing it across the front of the narrow.
4. Pass the wide end up through the loop.
5. Hold the knot loosely and pass the wide end down through the loop in front.
6. Hold the narrow end of the tie and slide the knot up snug.
(Taken from www.how-to-tie-a-tie.org)

27. “Follow the images as if you were looking into a mirror at your reflection”
The underlined word is similar in meaning to ….
A. lines
B. steps
C. pictures
D. instructions
28. “Start with the wide end on your right. Extend it about 12" below the narrow end of
your necktie”. What does the underlined word refer to?
A. mirror
B. necktie
C. wide end
D. narrow end
29. The text is written to ….
A. describe the ways to draw a tie
B. tell the procedure of making a tie
C. describe tips on how to tie a tie
D. inform tips on how to draw a tie

The following text is for questions 30 to 33.
Geckos are small to middle size lizards. Lizards are reptiles. There are 1196
different kinds of geckos. They live in many warm countries. Some kinds of geckos
go into people's houses. People are often happy to have them because geckos eat
many insects.
Unlike most lizards, geckos have voices. A gecko sounds a little like a bird or
a frog. In some languages these lizards have names that sound like their calls, for
example, both English and Indonesian call one kind gecko (gek KO) and tokay (to-
KAY). Another kind of gecko, with a different sound, is called chicak (CHEE chak).
Geckos have no eyelids. Instead, they have a clear membrane (skin) over
their eyes. They lick the membrane clean with their tongues. Like most lizards, they
can regenerate their tail if they need to.
Many kinds of geckos can walk on walls, windows and ceilings. They can do
this because they have special toe pads. A microscope can show that each toe pad is
made of thousands of hair-like structures. Each of these structures branches into
many smaller ends.

30. What does the text mostly talk about?
A. Geckos.
B. Lizards.
C. Reptiles.
D. Insects.
31. The main idea of the second paragraph is that geckos ....
A. can walk on walls
B. have no eyelids
C. have voices
D. are small
32. “They can do this because they have special toe pads” (Paragraph 4)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. To eat many insects.
B. To regenerate their tail if they need to.
C. To walk on walls, windows and ceilings.
D. To lick the membranes clean with their tongues.
33. Why do some people like to have geckos at their home?
A. Because they eat many insects.
B. Because they can walk on walls.
C. Because they have different voices.
D. Because their tails can be regenerated.
The following text is for questions 34 to 36.
My school is one of my favourite places in town. It is a green and beautiful
school. It has many large trees which make the air around my school very fresh
and clean. It covers a very large area surrounded by high fences. Overall, it has
30 buildings are arranged to form a rectangle with a field in the middle commonly
used as a sports place.
When entering the school, we are greeted by a billboard saying “Let’s go
forward with us” in front of the gate. Two security men are on duty near the gate
every day. After passing through the gate, we pass a parking area which
can accommodate all vehicles of the teachers and students. Going inside, we can see
the main building of my school. The building is quite large. Every morning the
headmaster and teachers always line up in front of it to welcome the students.
Behind the main building stand the classrooms. On the right side there are
classes for the 1st and 2nd grades, while on the left side, the classes for the
3rd grade. In front of every classroom there are small flower gardens which add
the beauty of my school. We like to play and learn there.
My school also has a large canteen. It is located behind the hall. I enjoy having
lunch there. My school’s canteen sells a lot of foods like snacks, cakes, meatballs,
fried chicken, rice, noodles, and various drinks. Though it sells a variety of foods and
drinks, it is always kept clean.

34. Where are the students welcomed every morning?
A. In front of the main building.
B. In front of the school gate.
C. In the school parking area.
D. In the sports place.
35. Paragraph 4 tells us that ....
A. the writer’s school canteen is large
B. the school’s flower gardens are small
C. the writer’s school is green and beautiful
D. the classroom’s are behind the main building
36. It can be concluded from the text that the writer’s school ....
A. is nice and comfortable to learn and play
B. is not a secure place for the students
C. is comfortable only for the teachers
D. does not have any good facilities

The following text is for questions 37 to 39.
Turtles used to live on the land, they say, until the time a clever turtle was
caught by some hunters. They brought him to their village and placed the turtle
before the chief, who said, "How shall we cook him?"
"You'll have to kill me first," said the turtle, "and take me out of this shell."
"We'll break your shell with sticks," they said. "That'll never work," said the turtle,
"Why don't you throw me in the water and drown me?!" "An excellent idea," said the
chief. They took the turtle to the river and threw him into the water to drown him.
They were congratulating themselves on their success in drowning the turtle,
when two little green eyes poked up in the water and the laughing turtle said, "Don't
get those cooking pots out too fast, foolish people! As he swam away, he said, "I
think I'll spend most of my time from now on, safely in the water."
It has been that way ever since!

37. How did the turtle save himself?
A. By killing himself.
B. By deceiving the chief.
C. By taking himself out of the shell.
D. By drowning the chief in the river.
38. “You'll have to kill me first.” The underlined word refer to ....
A. the turtle
B. the chief
C. this shell
D. their village
39. What can you learn from the story?
A. Don’t look down at others.
B. Always believe in yourself.
C. Be careful with your tongue.
D. Don’t easily believe in others.

The following text is for questions 40 to 42.
That was my first day at senior high school. That was the first flag ceremony in
that school year. I felt so nervous because I would have to join an orientation
program for the next few days. Some new students came late so that they got a
punishment before they could enter the gate.
After the flag ceremony, I immediately went to the classroom. I felt an awkward
situation in the classroom. I didn’t know anyone of them. It seemed that no one was
my junior high schoolmate. I decided to sit in the front row. There was still an empty
seat. Then, someone came and sat beside me. She was Putri. She was more talkative
than me. She helped me to melt the situation. She was very funny, too. I was so
happy to have her as my new classmate.
I was enjoying my conversation with Putri when suddenly my seniors came to
the classroom. They appointed me to come to the front and asked me to introduce
myself. I was shocked. I stood up and started to introduce myself. After I had
introduced myself, they still didn’t allow me to sit down. They asked me to keep
standing up there looking foolish. I was so afraid and started to tremble. I was still
there and the whole class started laughing at me.

40. Whom did the writer know on the first day of school?
A. No one.
B. The seniors.
C. Some students.
D. The whole class.
41. Based on the text, we can conclude that Putri was ....
A. a new friend
B. an arrogant girl
C. a serious person
D. a foolish friend
42. ... and started to tremble. (Paragraph 3). The underlined word is closest in meaning to ...
A. shake
B. walk
C. jump
D. run.
For questions 43 to 45, complete the paragraph with the correct words.
The water lily is a plan of the aquatic Nymphaeaceae family. The plant is found
in any fresh, still water throughout the warm temperate regions. Though people
cultivate this plant in containers or ponds, it can grow naturally. The plant can grow
(43) ... from the seed.
The water lily is a beautiful plant. It has round leaves. The leaves may (44) ... or
submerge. The (45) ... has four sepals, many petals, and stamens. The colour of this
flower may be white, pink, yellow, violet or blue. When blossoming, it sometimes
smells good. Some species of this plant open by day and close at night; others open
at night and close by day. The life span of the flowers is usually only three days.
43. A. easily
B. wildly
C. scarcely
D. strangely
44. A. seed
B. branch
C. flower
D. leave
45. A. hang
B. float
C. stand
D. lie
For questions 46 to 48, complete the paragraph with the correct words.
Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping ground
after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. (46) Then, we
built our tent next to a small river.
It was getting (47) ... and colder, so we built a camp fire. The next day, we
spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals.
In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At night, we
held an exciting camp fire night. Cheerfully we sang, danced, read poetry, played
magic tricks, and even some of us (48) ... a standing comedy.
On Monday, we packed our bags and went home feeling happy
46. A. Then
B. After
C. Firstly
D. Lastly
47. A. clearer
B. darker
C. hotter
D. nicer
48. A. performed
B. disliked
C. played
D. heard
49. Arrange these words or phrases into a good sentence
for have some fish in caught the lake our dinner we
1      2            3       4      5          6                7        8
A. 8 4 6 2 5 7 1 - 3
B. 8 4 6 3 2 5 1 - 7
C. 8 1 7 2 3 5 4 - 6
D. 8 2 5 3 1 7 4 6
50. Arrange these words or phrases into a good sentence
dominant are they considered as anything komodo dragons eat predators almost
1               2    3          4         5        6            7                  8       9           10
A. 7 2 4 1 9 5 3 8 10 6
B. 7 8 6 10 5 3 2 4 9 1
C. 7 2 4 - 8 10 6 5 3 1 9
D. 7 8 10 6 5 3 2 4 1 9

Klik Link Untuk Melihat Kunci Jawaban http://bahasainggrisasing.blogspot.co.id/2016/05/kunci-jawaban-soal-un-bahasa-inggris_8.html